
Lola: a Wild Heart Beats the Odds

Mustang Valley Sanctuary

Join us in supporting Lola and her Sanctuary friends today!

Rescued from the brink of despair in Vermont, Lola’s journey to sanctuary grounds is a story of courage, survival, and the profound impact of compassion. Her early years in the wilds of Nevada, roaming free in the vast expanses, came to an abrupt halt when she was rounded up and thrust into a world far removed from her natural habitat. Her life, marked by subsequent adoptions, mistreatment, and neglect, mirrors the plight of many mustangs across the country. Yet, amidst this turmoil, Lola’s fierce spirit remained untamed, a flicker of wildness that refused to be extinguished.

The conditions Lola endured prior to her rescue were harrowing. Exposed to the elements, surrounded by dilapidated structures and hazardous debris, her situation was dire. The rescue, led by Mustang Mary of Mustang Valley Sanctuary, was an endeavor of heart and determination. Despite initial obstacles, including logistical challenges and the harshness of winter storms, our commitment to saving Lola never wavered.

Arriving at the sanctuary, Lola was a picture of fear and mistrust, a soul untouched by human kindness, her survival instincts in full display. The sanctuary’s approach, however, was one of patience and gentle persuasion, offering Lola the space to heal at her own pace. The transformation, while gradual, has been remarkable. From a mustang who kept humans at a wary distance, Lola has begun to show curiosity and interest, a sign that trust can be rebuilt, even from the deepest scars of past traumas.


Lola’s story mirrors the plight of many mustangs across the country.

Lola’s resilience is a beacon of hope, illustrating the sanctuary’s mission to provide a safe haven for mustangs in need. Her story is not just one of recovery but of reclaiming the dignity and freedom that is the birthright of all wild horses. As she continues to adapt to her new environment, each day brings small victories, each moment of connection a step towards a brighter future.

The sanctuary now seeks a sponsor for Lola, an invitation to become part of her journey and to support the sanctuary’s broader mission. Sponsoring Lola is not just a gesture of support but an opportunity to engage with the sanctuary’s work, to learn about the complexities of mustang welfare, and to witness firsthand the transformative power of love and dedication.

Lola’s tale, from the wilds of Nevada to the nurturing grounds of Mustang Valley Sanctuary, is a poignant reminder of the resilience of the equine spirit and the enduring bond between humans and horses. Her story, emblematic of both the challenges and triumphs of sanctuary life, continues to inspire and remind us of the profound difference compassion can make in the lives of those who have known too little of it. Lola’s journey is just beginning, and it promises to be a one of hope, healing, and the rediscovery of trust. Join her today by becoming a sponsor.

“If they’re part of a lodge or a rod and gun club or a hiking club… if everybody donates $2 a month to sponsor a horse, it goes a long way here,” she said, highlighting how collective efforts can make a significant impact.

Mustang Valley Sanctuary stands as a testament to resilience, compassion, and the transformative power of care. Lola’s story, from a life of neglect to one of love and safety, reflects our enduring commitment to giving noble horses like her a second chance at life. As we forge ahead with our mission, we’re calling on the community to join us, ensuring these horses continue to find solace and joy in the heart of upstate New York.

Join us in supporting Lola and her Sanctuary friends today!

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