Your support can make a significant difference. By donating to our "Water for Mustangs" campaign, you'll help us: Build a new well: Ensuring a reliable and sustainable water supply for our horses.


Koda's journey to our sanctuary has been a long and winding one, but her gentle spirit and inquisitive nature have made her a beloved addition to our herd.

Each horse requires about 30 pounds or more of hay per day. While some horses are content to eat from large round bales, others are bullied away from the communal bales by more dominant horses in the herd.

George Clooney

Mustang Valley Sanctuary gained a new resident named George Clooney, but his journey to get there was a twist of fate.

Faye Louise

Rescued from dire circumstances of neglect and abuse, Faye Louise, found herself among a group of neglected thoroughbreds confiscated by the local SPCA.

Mia Amore

She is fiercely protective of herself and extremely wary of humans, Ren's true place is among the open pastures and rolling hills of Mustang Valley Sanctuary.

Lola Grace

Lola’s journey to the Mustang Valley Sanctuary is a story of courage, survival, and the profound impact of compassion.