At five or six years old, Thor's still just a young'un with a full life ahead of him. While he might not be a riding horse, he'd make a great liberty horse. Liberty horses are trained to perform without being physically connected to the trainer or rider by a lead rope or reins.

Hope’s journey to the Sanctuary was a long and difficult one. Like many of Mustang Valley Sanctuary’s herd, Hope was rescued from a kill pen, and she’s fearful of new people and experiences, which suggests that she may have been mistreated in the past.

Coco has a playful sense of humor, and she’s sensitive to the emotions and needs of those around her. She is a beautiful horse with a powerful presence, and anyone who bonds with her will feel a deep sense of connection and loyalty.

This practical weekend seminar-workshop is the next step after viewing the Light to the Core video, offering participants the opportunity to learn subtle, gentle, and simple bodywork techniques that can profoundly affect the deepest interconnections of a horse's body.

Despite her struggles, Jolie is a fighter, and she has not let her condition dampen her spirit. She loves spending time with her Mary and the other volunteers at the sanctuary, and she enjoys grazing in the lush pastures of the sanctuary.

At Mustang Valley Sanctuary, Mikayla, a Salt Wells Creek Mustang from Wyoming, is known as a feisty and fierce warrior who will go to any lengths to protect her daughter Elena.

Looking for love at first sight? Meet Rosita, the sweetest little Pinto mare you'll ever meet. Her gentle nature and kind heart will make you fall head over heels for her. Rosita came to the sanctuary as a two-year-old after being rounded up by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and ending up in the kill pen.

Shakira's story begins when she was still a foal. She was rounded up from her herd in the southwest and taken from her mother. A freeze brand on her coat marked her as a wild horse being cared for by a rancher paid by the Bureau of Land Management. However, instead of receiving proper care, Shakira ended up in a kill pen, facing an uncertain future.

Moon Star, a mare rescued by Mustang Valley Sanctuary, hails from the Triple B herd management area in Nevada, home to a population of over 1,500 mustangs. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages the herd and conducts periodic roundups to maintain population levels.

Mr. Quinn’s story is just one of many at Mustang Valley Sanctuary, where Mary and her team are dedicated to rescuing and gentling wild mustangs. The need for rescue and rehabilitation is ongoing, and your support can help save more mustangs like Mr. Quinn from the fate of a kill pen.